
Learning from Worldwide Lighting Strategies

Common Electrical Dangers in Many Production or Warehouse Facilities

A production or warehouse facility usually requires more electrical power than just an office, as a production facility needs to run its equipment and the production line itself to manufacture goods, and a warehouse may have electrical conveyers and other such pieces that require quite a bit of electricity. Both facilities may also have electric forklifts and heavy-duty equipment that requires plugging in to recharge. Because of these increased demands for electricity, warehouses and production facilities may also have special electrical dangers. Note a few of these here so you're sure to avoid them in your facility, and call an electrical contractor as needed.

1. Outdated wiring in heavy equipment

A production facility manager may know to have equipment like forklifts and other machinery inspected annually, but employees should be able to note telltale signs of outdated wiring as well. If they notice a burning smell or that an electrical forklift seems to struggle to start or stay operational when it's weighed down, these can be signs of outdated wiring. Outdated wiring can be at risk for becoming frayed or bare and in turn, causing an electrical fire inside the equipment. It might also cause hazards if it's plugged in for recharging. Rather than rely on annual inspections to tell you if wiring is outdated, be sure your staff can note signs of this problem as it develops.

2. Damaged boards

Damaged switchboards, circuit boards, and other such electrical boards can cause a hazard in an electrical facility as they may then not shut down a circuit when it's overloaded or provide power to equipment as needed, causing brownouts and power failures. A production or warehouse facility may be dustier than an office or you home because of working with materials that produce dust and debris, or because they're not typically cleaned as often or as thoroughly as an office. This dust can settle into a board of any sort and cause damage, or boards may be damaged by humidity and resultant rust. Switchboards and circuit boards should be inspected regularly for needed maintenance so they are always operational and safe.

3. Outdated fuses and circuits

Along with damaged boards, a production or warehouse facility may have outdated fuses and circuits. They may not think to upgrade the circuits or fuses when they upgrade their electrical equipment and, in turn, those fuses and circuits cannot manage the power needed to run their equipment. This can lead to frayed wiring behind the fuse or circuit board. If you haven't updated your fuses or circuits in many years and especially if you've invested in new electrical equipment or devices, have a commercial electrician check their condition and note if they need replacing.

For assistance with wiring, switchboard maintenance, and outdated fuses and circuits, talk to an electrician.

About Me

Learning from Worldwide Lighting Strategies

Hi, my name is Kat. When I was a kid, I always followed around my dad as he worked on electrical projects, and I became very interested in it. When I went backpacking during a gap year, I noticed that people all over the world have different ways of harnessing and using light. I decided to integrate those ideas into my own conception of electricity. Now, I help my friends design their lighting for their new homes and I do a bit of consulting. However, I also love to write so I started this blog. Please, explore and enjoy reading! Welcome to my space of the internet!